This course is designed for learners to provide a brief description of the biography of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and some of the excellent manners he taught. The Prophet’s biography discussion includes his lineage, birth, childhood, prophethood, and marriage. It proceeds with a discussion on his excellent manners and characteristics. It also discusses his migration to Madinah, the liberation of Makkah, farewell pilgrimage, and other challenges/wars faced by Islamic da’wah. The discussion proceeds with an explanation of the proofs of his prophethood. It also sheds light on the Prophet’s guidance for humanity in the economy, cleanliness, orderliness, friendliness, neighbourliness, goodwill, respect for women, and statesmanship. It is followed by the saddened moment of the Prophet’s departure to his Creator- Allah SWT. The discussion ends with some of the excellent morals and manners taught by the Prophet PBUH.
Required Readings 1. Muhammad: The Messenger of Allah by: Abdurrahman al‐Sheha, Translated by: Abdurrahmaan Murad, Edited by: English Department, The Islamic Propagation Office at Rabwah, 2nd edition. 2. The Ṣīrah of the Prophet: A Contemporary and Original Analysis by Dr. Yasir Qadi. Kube Publishing. 3. Prophet Muhammad pbuh: A Mercy for Mankind by International Islamic Publishing House IIPH, 3rd edition, 4. The life of Prophet Muhammad by Abdul Waheed Khan, Sameh Strauch, International Islamic Publishing House, Riyad, Saudi Arabia. 5. أخلاق المسلم وعلاقته بالخالق للدكتور وهبة الزحيلي 6. سوء الخلق: مظاهره، أسبابه، علاجه لمحمد بن إبراهيم الحمد 7. خلق المسلم لمحمد الغزالي 8. السيرة النبوية: عرض وقائع وتحليل أحداث دروس وعبر لمحمد الصلابي. الطبعة الثانية، 2009، دمشق.
MUNA Academy
6 courses
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Number of seats: 50
Age group: 15-19 years, 20-24 years
Intermediate level
Total sessions: 28 sessions
Total hours: 42 hours
28 live sessions